
Peer Support in the Fire Service 
Tim Gallagher
Peer Support Coordinator, Media and Comms L416
Indianapolis Professional Firefighters Local 416 and Wayne Township Fire Department 

Firearms, Violence and Mental Illness
George Parker, M.D. 
Director of Forensic Psychiatry and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, IU School of Medicine 
Adjunct Professor of Law, IU McKinney School of Law 

How our Brain Handles Challenges, and How That Leaves Us Vulnerable to Addiction and Anxiety 
Frederic (Woody) Hopf, PhD
Professor, Psychiatry Dept, Indiana University School of Medicine

Substance Use Disorder in the Postpartum Period: A Case for Greater Focus on this Critical Time 
Dr. Camila Arnaudo, MD
Addictions Treatment Recovery Center, IU Health Bloomington Hospital

CCBHC: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

The “Alternatives to Suicide” Approach to Crisis: Imagination, Common Sense, and Reducing Harm
Caroline Mazel-Carlton
Director of Training, Wildflower Alliance

Justice Involved Youth and Addiction Treatment: Lessons Learned from Indiana
Matthew Aalsma, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics
Director, Adolescent Behavioral Health Research Program, Indiana University School of Medicine

The complex interplay between criminal justice and Mental Health
Stephen M. Strakowski, MD
Executive Director, the Stone Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Department of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine
Associate Vice President, Regional Mental Health Dell Medical School, University of Texas – Austin

Indiana’s 988 and Crisis Response System: Seizing the Opportunity of a Lifetime
Dr. Christopher Drapeau
Executive Director of Prevention, Suicide Prevention and Crisis Response, Division of Mental Health & Addiction/FSSA

Power of the Peer-Led Model: Empowering Youth to Fight Mental Health Stigma
Karin Gilbert, CYC-P
Regional Program Manager – Indiana, Bring Change to Mind (BC2M)