Meet Our Speakers
Keynote Speaker
Associate Professor
Indiana University School of Medicine
Tamika C.B. Zapolski is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine, a clinical psychologist, and the director of the Prevention Research in Substance Use and Minority Health research lab. She is a practicing clinician within inpatient and outpatient settings for youth and adults. Dr. Zapolski’s research focuses on risk for substance use and related health behaviors among youth and young adults, with a particular interest in understanding risk and resilience among minoritized populations. She also examines the efficacy of school and community-based interventions to reduce substance use and health outcomes among youth. Specifically related to suicide among Black youth, in addition to her clinical work and research, Dr. Zapolski partners with clinicians, researchers, and community members focused on suicide among Black youth, including the Indiana Black Youth Suicide Policy Academy Team, Indiana Black Suicide Prevention Taskforce, and the Indiana Innovation Think Tank on Suicide.

Keynote Speaker
JOLIE WILLS, M.Sc. Cognitive Psychology
CEO Americas
Jolie is a cognitive scientist and a global thought-leader in resiliency, leadership and team effectiveness under pressure. Jolie has led teams in the most challenging of environments after disaster and disruption, including following the Christchurch Earthquakes.
Over the last decade, Jolie has conducted global research on key ingredients needed to support teams to thrive in difficult times. Jolie inspires through storytelling – telling her personal story of surviving and leading teams after the Christchurch earthquakes. Along with a compelling story, she brings the science, the research but most importantly the practical solutions because, like you, she’s been driven by compelling missions, in pressured environments, with a great deal at stake.
Jolie is the co-founder and CEO Americas for Hummingly – an organization that upskills leaders, teams and organizations to thrive in the face of challenge. Jolie has been awarded a Winston Churchill Fellowship and an Edmund Hillary Fellowship. She is co-author of Leading in Disaster Recovery: A Companion Through the Chaos and is an advisor to the global Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network.

Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics and Division Chief of Child Health Services Research
IU School of Medicine
Dr. Aalsma is a child and adolescent psychologist and professor at the IU School of Medicine. He is Division Director of the Child Health Services Research Division and Director of the Adolescent Behavioral Health Research Program.

Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine, Riley Children’s Health
Dr. Adams is clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the IU Department of Psychiatry. His clinical and research interests center on improving care and promoting healthy outcomes for youth with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, with a particular emphasis on youth and families impacted by trauma. He leads several programs geared toward expanding access to high quality, evidence based behavioral health care in Indiana.

IU School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Camila Arnaudo is an addiction psychiatrist based in Bloomington for the past 15 years. She completed medical school at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. She then completed her residency in psychiatry at Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Training Program in Boston, Massachusetts. After relocating to Indiana and working as a psychiatrist for a few years, she returned to training and completed a fellowship in addictions psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. Her current work focuses on mental health and addictive illnesses in pregnant and postpartum people with a particular focus on increasing equity and accessibility to quality care. She is currently the medical director of the Addictions Treatment Recovery Center at IU Health, and a member of the Indiana Maternal Mortality Review Committee. She serves as co-medical director the Indiana CHAMP (Consultations for Healthcare providers in Addiction, Mental Health, and Perinatal Psychiatry) Program, which a statewide program providing consultations to frontline providers on treatment of psychiatric illness. She is the newly named Interim Vice Chair of Education for Psychiatry Department IU School of Medicine.

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
Amanda Broderick, PhD, HSPP is a licensed clinical psychologist at Riley Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Broderick earned her PhD at Penn State. She completed her clinical internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where she provided consultation and comprehensive psychological assessments for youth in the child welfare system, including foster care and juvenile justice. She is currently the Clinical Director of the Riley Multisystemic Therapy program. As a practicing psychologist and clinical supervisor, she specializes in working with youth who have experienced trauma and early adversity and is especially interested in trauma-informed, evidence-based interventions for youth with complex mental health and behavioral needs, including conduct and substance use disorders.

Indiana Regional Program Associate
Bring Change to Mind
Annie Cole is a passionate and goal-driven educator and advocate with a commitment to youth in our communities. With a background in trauma informed care and psychology, she uses her experience in the classroom to amplify student voices, and bring change to the way in which we approach mental health. Annie currently serves as the Indiana Regional Program Associate for Bring Change to Mind, a national nonprofit with the mission to end the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness. This peer-led model is an education and advocacy based program that empowers teens to educate their peers and encourage dialogue on topics surrounding mental health in order to fight stigma. She is of the firm belief that we can change our communities for the better, and it starts with our youth.

Full Professor and Director of Clinical Training
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Dr. Cyders earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Kentucky in 2009 under the mentorship of Dr. Greg Smith. She completed her predoctoral internship at the VA Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Medical Center. She is currently a Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at IUPUI in the Clinical Psychology graduate program area, where she has worked since 2009. Her research concerns how impulsivity and its neurocognitive underpinnings impart risk for a wide range of clinical problems and disorders. Her presentation is supported by her role in the Outreach Core of the Indiana Alcohol Research Center, as funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Founder & Executive Director
Aisha Diss holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Services with a minor in Psychology. Aisha is a person in long-term recovery from opioid use disorder and justice involvement. With her lived experience, Aisha obtained certifications as a level II Addiction Peer Recovery Coach with mental health and forensic support enhancements, in addition to holding certifications as a level II Alcohol & Drug Addiction Consultant, and as a Supervisor of Peer Recovery. Aisha founded the nonprofit organization, project.ME, that offers low-barrier peer recovery coaching and harm reduction support in Northeast Indiana.

Sharon Stephens Brehm Endowed Professor
Indiana University
Dr. Brian D’Onofrio received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Psychology from the University of Virginia. He has been a professor at Indiana University – Bloomington since 2005. Dr. D’Onofrio’s research seeks to understand the etiology, assessment, and treatment of mental health and substance use problems across the lifespan using multiple approaches. His recent research has focused on exploring the risks and benefits of psychiatric and pain medications, particularly for rare-but-serious outcomes such as drug overdose, suicidal behavior, and traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, his research seeks to better understand health disparities, particularly among vulnerable and marginalized groups of children and adolescents. Most of his research consists of secondary data analysis of large datasets (e.g., US health insurance claims datasets of tens of millions of people and national Swedish datasets). Finally, he also conducts intervention and health services research, examining how to best assess behavioral health problems in community settings.

MHAI Peer Innovation Manager
MHAI ICAADA, SWD Training Institute, IAPRSS
Gina Fears, a born and trained educator and program developer, is the Indiana Peer Innovation Manager at MHAI. After 25 years of contribution to the Indianapolis Human Services community, her immediate charge is to develop Peer to Peer Recovery Coaching service innovations.
Her previous experiences have been gained as Outpatient Services Treatment, Clinical Research, Nutrition and Supportive Living Management at Fairbanks. Gina has also maintained a special focus on women’s recovery services through the creation of Esther’s Place, a women’s counseling center, and as a former Executive Director of Dove Recovery House for Women.
She has also had opportunity and continues to facilitate training towards certification for 100’s of Peer Recovery Coaches across the state of Indiana, including in IDOC therapeutic communities. She has been partnered for research with IUPUI School of Public Health, studying the benefits of Peer Coaching with the re-entry PACE population.
She also served as the first Program Coordinator for the newly created Mayor’s Office of Offender Re-entry during the Ballard administration.

Executive Director
Indiana Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure
Jackie Franks is the Executive Director of Indiana Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure. Jackie is an Illinois native and received her bachelor’s degree in health science and master’s degree in Public Health from Benedictine University in Lisle, IL and is also a Certified Health Education Specialist and Certified Prevention Specialist. Jackie has worked extensively in health education, promotion, and primary disease prevention for over a decade. She is a mental health advocate and passionate about substance use prevention and harm reduction. Jackie volunteers as a mentor and recovery advocate and has committed her career and much of her personal life to helping Hoosiers live their healthiest lives. Jackie serves on several local and statewide coalitions and collaboratives including the Indiana Perinatal Quality Improvement Committee for the Indiana State Department of Health.
Jackie currently resides in Warsaw, Indiana with her two rescue dogs, Luke and Leia.

Executive Director and Co-founder
Connection Café
Charmin Gabbard is a person thriving in recovery from severe mental and substance use disorders. Charmin’s current role is Executive Director and co-founder of Connection Café, a grassroots organization founded on harm reduction principles. Connection Café is a peer-run community that covers multiple counties in Indiana through Harm reduction and recovery strategies. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology works with National Alliance Mental Illness Indiana, sharing her personal story training with newly hired correctional officers nationwide.

Education and Resource Manager
INfancy Onward
Anne Gabbert brings nearly 40 years of experience working in the field of Early Childhood Education to her work with children, families, and the early care and education providers who serve them. Dedicated to enhancing opportunities for children, families, and communities, Anne is involved in research projects as the Education and Resource Manager for INfancy Onward, part of Mental Health America of Indiana (MHAI). Anne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from Butler University and has utilized her education and experience in the roles of classroom teacher, center director, grant writer, executive director, and project manager. Anne was one of the original Quality Advisors for the Paths to QUALITY™ program in 2008 when it rolled out statewide in Indiana; in addition, she worked for 5 years in community programs for children and families in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico and for 6 years at United Way of Central Indiana managing the portfolio of grants and projects in Early Childhood Education. Anne is a Master Trainer for the ACE Interface (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and loves to share the importance of the NEAR Sciences: Neurology, Epigenetics, ACES, and Resilience.

Indiana Regional Program Manager
Bring Change to Mind
Karin Gilbert, M.Ed., CYC-P is a passionate leader and educator with 24 years of experience developing quality in people and programs. Her specialties are youth development leadership, training and coaching, and community engagement with a focus on mental health education and advocacy. Karin currently serves as the Indiana Regional Program Manager for Bring Change to Mind (BC2M), a nonprofit organization co-founded by award-winning actress Glenn Close, dedicated to encouraging dialog about mental health, and to raise awareness, understanding, and empathy. The BC2M High School Program empowers teens to educate their peers on topics surrounding mental health in order to fight stigma – through student-led high school clubs, teen advisory boards and retreats, trainings for club officers, and regional student summits.

Chair, Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine/Indiana University Health
Dr. Hulvershorn was named Chair of the Indiana University Department of Psychiatry in June 2022. She earned her medical degree at the Indiana University School of Medicine and completed an academic track residency in General Psychiatry at the IU School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and a two-year research track Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at New York University. She has a Master of Science degree in Neuroscience from the University of Oxford.
Dr. Hulvershorn is an active researcher and clinician and has authored numerous publications on various topics in child psychiatry. She has received multiple grants to study the neurobiological basis of addiction risk in children with externalizing disorders. In addition to being a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, she has also been boarded in Addiction Medicine since 2012.

Director of Court Services
Dearborn County Court Services
Steve Kelly graduated from IUPUI in 2005 with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and Public Affairs. After graduating from IUPUI, Steve was employed with Greenwood City Probation until 2006 when he left to take a Probation Officer position with Dearborn County Probation. Since 2006, Steve has been employed with Dearborn County Superior Court Probation and became the Chief Probation Officer in 2013. In 2014, Dearborn County Superior Court Probation and Southeast Regional Community Corrections merged to create a unified Court Services Department and Steve was promoted to Director of Court Services to oversee operations of Probation, JCAP, Community Corrections, and Pre-Trial Services. Steve completed his Master of Business Administration in 2021 from the University of Southern Indiana.

C.T. (Certified Thanatologist) and TRCC (Trauma Responsive Care Certified)
Postvention Consulting, LLC
Denise is a former corporate executive who entered the non-profit world in 2012, then after the sudden death of her son she founded LOSS Community Services (2014) located in Columbus, Ohio. During her 7+ years as the Executive Director, LOSS supported over 5,000 people impacted by a suicide loss through a 1st Responder L.O.S.S. Team and In Touch program, remembrance events, support groups, and advocacy & education.
Denise now contracts with multiple states and communities to help them build sustainable postvention programs including Dr. Frank Campbell’s L.O.S.S. Team model.

Prevention Bureau Chief
Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction
Dr. Minnick is a public health researcher, educator, and community interventionist who specializes in facilitating high impact learning opportunities and developing innovative environmental strategies, community coalitions, and public partnerships to address substance misuse. He has worked in a diverse set of leadership roles that include serving as Director of the Center for Substance Use Research and Community Initiatives at Ball State University, as Executive Director of the Addictions Coalition of Delaware County, as a Fellow with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and as the Prevention Bureau Chief for the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. Dr. Minnick has a PhD in Social Work from the University at Albany SUNY, a bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University in Human Development and Family Sciences and has published twelve peer-reviewed articles in social work and addictions journals.

Distinguished Professor of Sociology / Director, Irsay Institute
Indiana University
Bernice Pescosolido is Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Sociology at IU-Bloomington and Director of the newly established Irsay Institute at IU that targets the sociomedical sciences and, especially, mental health and illness. Trained as a medical sociologist, her work focuses on how connectedness and culture are key components in how individuals – from patients to providers to policymakers – understand and act on health and healthcare problems. She has been awarded research and teaching accolades including the Cross Medal from Yale, Research Career Awards from the American Public Health and the American Sociological Association and Mental Health America. She is an elected member of both the National Academy of Medicine and the Nation Academy of Sciences. She serves as a science advisor to Kicking the Stigma, Glenn Close’s Bring Change to Mind, and the millennial targeted Project Healthy Minds.

Manager of Business Development and Coordinator of Indiana’s District 5 REST Team
Community Fairbanks Behavioral Health
Kimble Richardson has a master’s degree in Counseling from Indiana University, 37 years of experience, and is the manager of Business Development for Community Fairbanks Behavioral Health. He is licensed as an LMHC, LCSW, LMFT, and LCAC and is a chair of the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services licensing board. The Indiana Counseling Association has awarded him “Mental Health Counselor of the Year” and “Distinguished Counselor of the Year.” He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Indianapolis, an instructor for and clinical coordinator of several Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) teams, coordinator for the Indiana District 5 Resilience and Emotional Support Team, and University of New Mexico School of Medicine ECHO Hub Team member. He has served as a trainer for the US Postal Service, FBI, NCAA, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. His most recent research about resilience was published in the International Review of Psychiatry.

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
Gabriela M. Rodríguez, PhD, HSPP is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine. She is Clinical Director of the ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Program at the Riley Hospital for Children Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. Dr. Rodríguez earned her BS in Psychology from Indiana University Bloomington. She earned her PhD in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology from Florida International University. She completed her clinical internship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and her postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University.
Dr. Rodríguez’s research interests include effectiveness and implementation of evidence-based interventions for youth mental health problems within community settings. Currently, she is directing a statewide implementation of Multisystemic Therapy (MST), an effective treatment for youth with severe conduct problems. Dr. Rodríguez’s clinical work involves treatment of ADHD, disruptive behavior disorders, and comorbid disorders using evidence-based treatments.

Vice President of Recovery Advocacy and Programs
Director, Indiana Recovery Network
Mental Health American of Indiana
Heather Rodriguez is Vice President of Recovery Advocacy and Programs for Mental Health America of Indiana and Director of the Indiana Recovery Network. Heather is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University with a bachelor and master’s degree in Social Work and is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Addiction Consultant (CADAC) II, and a Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach (CAPRC) II.
Heather has a passion for working with underserved and marginalized populations and loves working with organizations and individuals throughout the state of Indiana to develop and strengthen recovery ecosystems. Heather helped create and oversees the statewide Regional Recovery Hub program which consists of 21 organizations providing free peer recovery support services to all 92 Indiana counties.
Heather is a person in sustained recovery and believes that recovery supports are an integral part of an individual’s journey to overcome challenges associated with substance use and or mental health concerns and that individuals have the right to choose which pathway of recovery works best for them. Heather is a mother, and an avid Colts and Pacers fan.

Associate Director and Research Health Scientist
VA HSR&D Center for Health Information and Communication
Angela L. Rollins, Ph.D., is Associate Director of the Center for Health Information and Communication at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Associate Research Professor in the IUPUI Department of Psychology, and Research Director for the ACT Center of Indiana. Her research interests include a variety of areas regarding workforce development and implementation in health services, with a primary focus on US-based evidence-based mental health services but with emerging interests in global health. Rollins’ work using implementation tools and strategies include fidelity assessment methods, outcomes measurement, health authority policy development and technical assistance, and facilitation techniques to shape provider behavior. Rollins and her colleagues also study staff burnout and interventions to prevent or reduce burnout, including understanding the role of burnout on quality of care and addressing organizational drivers of burnout.

Amanda Sampson is a person in long-term recovery which has given her the opportunity to be the mother, daughter, friend, and mentor that she can be proud of today. Mrs. Sampson is the founder of a recovery community organization, 1 Voice, that offers peer support services focusing on reducing recurrence of use and recidivism rates. In her recovery, she has found her purpose, and it is to help others find what gives them hope and support others to become positive leaders in the recovery community. She is currently the executive director of 1 Voice and is in school to obtain her master’s degree in social work.

Program Director for Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
Indiana Department of Health
Kate Schedel is the Program Director for IDOH’s Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health team.

Health & Wellness Coordinator
Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs
Bryan Schmidt is a Marine Corps Veteran. He enlisted while in high school, then served as a member of the Security Forces in SouthWest Asia and as an Infantry Squad Leader with 1st Battalion 7th Marines. Over the course of his enlistment, Bryan deployed to over a dozen countries. Upon returning to Indiana, Bryan attended Ball State University and started getting involved in the community. Over the past several years, Bryan has been involved in numerous special events throughout the city while working in hospitality and tourism. His efforts lead him to work locally with many different non-profits, which is where he found the most satisfaction supporting the veteran community. From there, Bryan decided to work on veteran initiatives full time, which has led him to positions such as a County Veterans Service Officer for Marion County, a District Service Officer and finally the Health & Wellness Coordinator at the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs focusing on suicide prevention. Bryan enjoys traveling with his wife Melissa and competing in Ironman triathlons and ultra-marathons.

Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review Program Director
Indiana Department of Health
Caitlyn Short, MPH has served as the Suicide and Overdose Fatality Review Program Director at the Indiana Department of Health since November 2021. Caitlyn works with communities and at the state level to monitor suicide, overdose, and substance use trends and prevent future deaths through education, research, collaboration, and action.

IRACS Program Manager
Choices Coordinated Care Solutions & 1Voice
A person in long term recovery and the Program Manager at Choices Coordinated Solutions for the Dearborn County Integrated Reentry and Correctional Support Program. Being a person once involved in the justice population and someone who has dealt with his own mental health and substance use concerns Aaron has worked in this space for the last 6 years to help provide opportunities for the community that he may not of had.
Aaron is a Certified Peer Recovery Coach and supervises a team of peer recovery coaches within the Dearborn County Law Enforcement center providing the justice involved population ongoing peer support services, access to community resources and treatment, and reentry planning.
Aaron is also the project coordinator for 1Voice a certified recovery community organization in Southeastern Indiana where he is able to utilize his creativity in creating unique engagement opportunities and community outreach events for those in recovery in Southeastern Indiana. Aaron was also once a public speaker for Steered Straight has many commitments annually speaking in various youth programs and the school districts in Southeastern Indiana

Vice President, Crisis Services
Mental Health America of Indiana
Jennifer (Jen) Stansberry Miller is a licensed clinical social worker and aviation disaster victim’s family member, blending her personal and professional expertise to protect the human element in times of crisis. Following her brother Brad’s death on American Eagle Flight 4184, Jennifer advocated for the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996. For almost 30 years, she has educated and worked alongside federal, international, and state agencies, air carriers, and emergency response personnel on the significance of disaster family assistance.
Beyond her aviation-related work, Jen’s extensive professional background in social services, crisis intervention, and emergency preparedness has enabled her to develop and review emergency response programs, curricula, and training for various clients. She volunteers with the Indiana American Red Cross, supporting disaster mental health and mass casualty response efforts. Jen is an invited member of the Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network’s Humanitarian Assistance and Psychosocial Support subcommittee, engaging in an international collaboration funded by the City of Stockholm. In this role, she advises and supports CTPN members on Humanitarian Assistance and Psychosocial Support matters.
Jen serves as Vice President of Crisis Services at Mental Health America of Indiana (MHAI). She assisted in developing and continues to oversee the Be Well Crisis Helpline, which originated as the SAMHSA/FEMA Crisis Counseling Program COVID-19 call response for Indiana. In addition, she is leading the development of Indiana’s fourth 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Center.

Program Manager – INARR
Mental Health America of Indiana
Bringing 40+ years of professional Property Management experience to our team, Linda has an extensive and diverse background. Beginning her career with a decade of honing her “customer service” skills in the Hospitality industry, then transitioning into a Regional Property Manager position for a large Indiana-based Multi-family housing corporation, Linda has been responsible for several multi-million dollar renovations of apartment communities all over the Midwest and East Coast, as well as, day to day management of the financial and physical operations. After her retirement in 2010, Linda has owned a small Property Maintenance Services contractor business and has renovated several private homes and offices for clients and family.
Linda is currently working at MHAI as the INARR Program Manager, providing advocacy and education to Recovery Residence Operators thru a grant from the Indiana Div. of Mental Health and Addiction. Linda is celebrating 12 years of Recovery from Substance Use Disorder.
In her “spare” time, Linda enjoys hiking, camping and boating, in addition to her volunteer work with the Cancer Support Community of Central Indiana.

Deputy Director of Education and Credentialing
Mental Health America of Indiana
Karisa serves as the Deputy Director of Education & Credentialing at Mental Health America of Indiana. She works alongside her awesome team to provide trainings & technical assistance to a wide variety of organizations throughout Indiana. In addition she works as a substance use and mental health therapists at Psychotherapy Associates of Kokomo, LLC. Karisa is a wife, mother to two wonderful children and her fur baby Qunicy. Karisa volunteers her time as board member for Kokomo Pride, a member of the Howard County Suicide Prevention Coalition and a facilitator for Howard County Alternatives to Suicide Peer Support Group.